Nationaal Ethiek Overleg Sociale en Gedragswetenschappen
National Ethics Council for Social and Behavioural Sciences
A follow-up to the joint symposium of Nethics and NRIN will be held on April 17th. The location will be Eindhoven, TU/e. Block your agenda for the afternoon from 12:00 hrs. Lunch will be provided. More information will follow.
Registration is mandatory, please use the form below.
The interactive symposium "Research ethics across scientific disciplines" will be held in Utrecht (on-site only). We are pleased to welcome over 70 participants!
The aim is to bring together human research ethics committees across scientific disciplines The final program and short biographies of the speakers can be downloaded below
Nethics has made an inventory about to what extent the Nethics member institutes incorporate the Nethics ethical code in their reviewing procedures. The results will be shared later.
Nethics introduces a procedure for external ethical review from January 2023.
As the affiliated institutes feel a social responsibility to share the expertise they have built up, Nethics has made it possible to request the assessment of research that does not take place at one of the affiliated institutes. Evaluation of this procedure will take place after one year, based on the quantity and nature of the applications. More information can be found under the heading 'Externe toetsing | External review' on this site, or by clicking the button below.
Nethics organized a meeting around the GDPR for its members. Different topics related to ethical review and the law on privacy were discussed. The chair of the national platform for Data Protection Officers from Dutch universities was present to give a reflection on the meeting.
Nethics made a statement in response to the Fieldlab events that were conducted during the pandemic. The statement can be downloaded below.
Nethics has a new chair!
From 1 January 2020, Prof Joke Baas (Utrecht University) has taken over the chairmanship from Chris Olivers. Joke is a professor of clinical neuroscience of emotion within psychology at UU. Her research interests include the neurophysiological basis of anxiety. She has experience in both cognitive and clinical psychological research, psychopharmaceuticals, and behavioural genetics. She has experience as a member of both the ethics committee of social sciences (UU) and the METC (UMC).